I have been tagged by the fabulous
Jennifer Lipman. Check out her blog- she's precious and so is her puppy! So here I go....
7 Things I Want To Do Before I Die...
1. Be the world's greatest and most loving wife to my saucy husband
2. Figure out if I want to have kids or not- might need to do that way before I die!
3. Have a well respected museum ask/beg to host my art show
4. Sit in front of the Eiffel Tower and paint it
5. Meet Tim Gunn and hug him for saying "Make it Work"- his catch phrase has gotten me through many a day!
6. Travel the world with my Greg- esp. Europe
7. Be who the Lord wants me to become
7 Things I Can Do...
1. Paint. I like to paint.
2. Shop- if shopping were an Olympic sport I would be the world record holder and have like 10 gold medals. I am an expert.
3. Stylize. I love when my friends ask me to plan outfits for them for special events. Makes my week!
4. Eat the Chocolate. I can always eat chocolate... need to not do this so much!
5. Shop Online. Yes, shop is my #2, but online shopping is a special skill.
6. Beg. I am good at begging for things. Like purses, animals, jewelry etc...
7. Love. I am REALLY good at this. I pour on the love when I love someone. Lucky Greg!
7 Things I Can Not Do...
1. Watch sports. It is rare when I can sit down and enjoy a game on the tele. I just get SO BORED.
2. Be neat and tidy. It is not in my physical make up.
3. Resist the sweets. I need to learn how.
4. watch scary movies. Right on Jennifer L. I can't do it. Freaks me out.
5. Scary rides. I am the world's biggest chicken. The Tower of Terror at MGM has taken every scary ride to the next level. Never again.
6. Turn down lost puppies. I just can't drive by with out trying to help.
7. Cook better than my husband... even though I would like to!
7 Things That Attracted Me to My Hubby...
1. That he picked ME! Lucky me :)
2. His bright eyes- they sparkle.
3. His sense of humor. I love that we have little inside jokes about everything. We seriously speak a different language at home. He can make me laugh faster than anyone that I met.
4. His brain- he is the smartest man on earth. I love that!
5. His smile- it brightens my day!
6. That he loves animals as much as I do!
7. He always knows how to make me happy when I am sad, and I know he will do anything for his Jenny
7 Things I Say Most Often...
1. Oscar Oscar Oscar! (He only comes inside when I call- he ignores Greg!)
2. Love you! (To Greg)
3. Honey... Can we have... (need to do better about this one)
4. Can we keep him/her.... (referring to animals...need to do better about this one too!)
5. This is Jennifer....
6. Hey Boss-man- how I address my boss.
7. Herro puppies!
7 Celebrity Crushes... (aka - ones that I would love to meet)
1. Audrey Hepburn
2. Brad and Angie- and the kiddos
3. Oprah
4. Matthew McConaughey and his dog Foxy
5. Paul Newman
6. Katherine Hepburn
7. Britney Spears- I would try to help.
7 People I'm Tagging...
1. Christie Jones
2. Jessica GRAMMON :)
3. Courtney Bryson
4. Christina Gronauer
5. Brit Hood
6. Lauren Stephen
7. Jaran... who will have to respond by E-mail since she refuses to blog...
Good times!