Friday, February 20, 2009

Paper[Back] Dolls

Our new book club, The Paper[back] Dolls, had our first book discussion meeting last night at my house. We had so much fun! The book was Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Hart. Everyone loved it! It was a sweet biography about a college girl in 1945 who spent the summer working as Tiffany's first female page. It was a delightful read!

The girls in the book ended their summer with fancy ice cream Sundays, so of course for dessert we had to have fancy ice cream Sundays! Yummy!

The decor. Everyone got fancy giant diamond rings to wear. A must have when discussing Tiffany's.

The toppings...
The results...

I highly recommend being part of a book club. I am really enjoying it! Our next book is Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos.

Tracy, our awesome note taker and question thinker, picked it.I am sure it will be LOVELY! Can't wait to read it!

Here are some more photos of the discussion/Ice Cream Sunday fest!


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