Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Okay... Whirl of a Catch-Up!

So I have kind of become one of those crappy bloggers that never posts... I will try to do better! I promise! What's been going on you ask... lots I guess! This week I have been having days when I am super motivated, and then the next day the couch calls my name and I am exhausted. I think it has to do with me and Greg having totally opposite schedules. It is messing both of us up. He gets up WAY early- like 3!- for work and goes to bed around 8:00pm. I don't normally go to bed until like 1:00am and sleep until 8:00am. I just work better at night. Anyways, we are going to work on it. We have to!

My art lessons are going great! I have had lots on people who are interested, and I had a group of 4 on Tuesday! So much fun! Little Sydney painted this from my centerpiece... I love it!

I've been working on getting a gallery listing together, and also getting some dates for juried shows. I also just entered this guy in a show for Saledo. I am hoping I get in! I'd like to break into that market. I am finishing up a couple of pet portraits tonight, and then I got a commission to do 3 paintings for the new law office Greg works for. I am pretty excited about that!Tomorrow night I have my Paper[back] Dolls book club meeting at my house! I picked The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Socity, which I also need to finish tonight. I have been a reading slacker. It's pretty bad when it is YOUR book club book selection! Oh well, I'll finish it up- I really like it!
This weekend I am throwing a Bluebird Birthday for my sweet neice Sarah who is turning 3. It is going to be ADORABLE. I'll be sure to post pictures! I am so excited! I love party planning- one of my favorite things on earth!

Okay, I must get back to work. I promise I will do better about blogging!!!

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