Monday, November 3, 2008

Whirl of a Weekend!

Well, not really... I had a super relaxing weekend at home with my sweet husband and puppies! On Friday night we had one lone trick or treater, and then we shut down the candy operation early and watched Baby Mama. Not superb. It had its funny moments, but Greg got bored about 30 mins into it. Never a good sign!

After that I finished up a painting for a competition I am entering and helped Jaran dress as Ms. America for Halloween Festivities over the phone. Had some issues with the painting, but I am pretty happy with the results...
On Saturday morning we found a little chihuahua puppy prancing up and down on our street. Of course we had to take her in! The poor girl was covered in fleas and did not have on a collar or tags. I called around to our local animal shelters and no one seems to be missing her. I named her Holly after Holly Golightly because her markings make it look like she is wearing stylish tan boots. Oh she is so sweet- super cuddly and little! We wanted to keep her, but we have 4 animals already. Greg took her to work this afternoon and a sweet lady named Betty is going to adopt her. She promises that we can visit her, and she is keeping her name Holly Golightly! I couldn't be happier!That about sums up the festivities of my relaxing weekend. It was so nice to stay in Tyler for once!

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. ~Jane Austen

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