Thursday, March 13, 2008

Quote of the Moment

I was going to start a quote of the day series, but I don't know if I will post everyday... so you get the quote of the moment. Which is.... (drum roll please....)
Do one thing every day that scares you.- Eleanor Roosevelt
I came across this quote randomly on someone else's blog. Which I was randomly sent to on Facebook. I think God planned for that to happen. That quote hit me with a ton of bricks. I am such a scaredy cat when it comes to taking risks. No Greg, this does NOT mean that I will ride the Tower of Terror again with you at Disney World! This means that I am going to try and do things that I tend to avoid because I think I am not ready or not good enough.

So, today my scaredy cat act was calling a local art gallery with the hopes of setting up an art show this fall. I had to leave a message, but it was a good first step! Pray they call me back! I am not really nervous anymore- just excited!

Eleanor Roosevelt was a JEM*! * My new thing. It is also my initials. I take it to mean gem, aka wonderful.

P.S. I already figured out this year's Halloween Costume! I will be "Art Pallet Girl!"

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