Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Whirl of a Weekend: Literally ...Woosh
This weekend was full of tennis. A LOT of tennis. It was also not a good day for tennis on Saturday. It was freakin' freezing and the wind was insane!
My hands were numb, and my allergies were terrible thanks to the wind. I was miserable, and played miserably. Oh well, life goes on. I made myself go to my team practice on Sunday afternoon and played much better thanks to the sunshine! I play again on Tuesday. It is our first of many USTA team competitions this year. If we win our district we go to Dallas again for the Championships in July. That was fun last year, so we want to win again!
Other than tennis, I did very little. I am now addicted to iPhone Scrabble and Monopoly.
I did a lot of that while resting in between tennis time.
I also watched Cider House Rules for the first time last night.
It really made me think. I like movies that make you think. I definitely loved all of the little orphans in the movie. I would take them all, esp. Curly. I also want to pick some apples on the East Coast! Goodnight, you princes of Maine, you kings of New England...

Other than tennis, I did very little. I am now addicted to iPhone Scrabble and Monopoly.

I also watched Cider House Rules for the first time last night.

Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hotel NYLO Awards Luncheon
On Tuesday, I went to the Hotel NYLO artist awards luncheon at Cool River in Irving. I delivered Longhorn Love and gave a brief talk about my painting. I met a lot of really neat people and had a great time! Here are some photos...

Hope Open

This weekend I am playing in a charity tennis tournament called the Hope Open. It is benefiting the awesome organization Living Alternatives. They are a Christian organization that helps young mothers cope with the stress of unplanned pregnancy. It is a great organization, so I wanted to help by donating a tennis painting to the silent auction. This is what I came up with.
I've Changed My Mind
Monday, March 23, 2009
Whirl of a Weekend: Easy Breezy
This weekend was pretty easy. Friday night we stayed in, and I watched old Oprahs on my DVR
while Greg watched basketball. We were both REALLY tired, so it worked for us! We had our favorite Papa Murphy's Take and Bake Delight Pizza... yummy.
On Saturday I woke up and did some shopping. YAY!
Macy's was having a great sale! I found some Nautica dress shirts for Greg for $11! I also got some cute summer pajamas for my little neices, and a cute dress and top for myself.
After my little shopping spree we headed to my sister's house so Greg could meet sweet little baby Alison. Yes, my sister has now decided to spell it with one L for some reason.
My oldest neice is obsessed with Rachel Ray these days, so Greg helped her make fancy cheese dip like Rachel was making on tv while we were there. He is a good uncle. We hung out for awhile with the fam and then drove home.
I got creative that night and made homemade mac and cheese.
I burned the crud out of my thumb and undercooked the noodles. All while using about $15 worth of super fancy cheese. Luckily it was better the next day for leftovers. At least I tried right?
On Sunday I woke up with annoying back pain (from sleeping with 2 dogs in my back) and Greg woke up with a stomach ache. I swear it was not my cooking! I ended up trying to work it out on a walk with Oscar, which really helped.
It was a great walk- warm weather and tons of beautiful flowers to see. (This is an old picture of us walking, my roses have yet to bloom this year...) I had tennis practice later that day, and I actually got a bit of a tan! I am so excited to have some color! I also did some painting and got addicted to Monopoly on my iPhone.
That about sums up my weekend. Not very exciting, but nice and relaxing!

On Saturday I woke up and did some shopping. YAY!

After my little shopping spree we headed to my sister's house so Greg could meet sweet little baby Alison. Yes, my sister has now decided to spell it with one L for some reason.

I got creative that night and made homemade mac and cheese.

On Sunday I woke up with annoying back pain (from sleeping with 2 dogs in my back) and Greg woke up with a stomach ache. I swear it was not my cooking! I ended up trying to work it out on a walk with Oscar, which really helped.

That about sums up my weekend. Not very exciting, but nice and relaxing!
Friday, March 20, 2009

Then I remembered the stupid commercial with the two guys talking about McDonald's having fancy coffee drinks. So, I stuck my head in there on my way to work and got an Iced Cafe Mocha.
I got it sans whip, b/c I am just not a fan. I thought it was GREAT! I really liked it! It has a good amount of espresso, I could feel it this morning and was even a bit jittery (maybe because I was really tired too), and it wasn't too sweet for me. At $2.99 it is cheaper than Starbucks, but not by much...
I did however read other reviews and see that some found it too sweet or too bitter- which could effect my reviews later. Sometimes Starbucks even makes my drinks too sweet or too bitter too, but I just pray it comes out the way I like it most of the time! It really depends on who makes it I guess.
Anyways, to sum it up... good job McD's. I liked the Iced Caffe Mocha sans whip. You are also on my way to work- big plus...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Azalea Time in Tyler

Every year the month of March kicks off the Tyler Azalea Trail. It runs this year from March 20-April 5th. It is one of the many reasons I LOVE Tyler! Greg and I take a drive each night on one of the trails. We often take a puppy with us. The trail runs through the historical district of Tyler. The homes are to die for, and the gardens are amazing. I highly recommend a visit! Here is the link: http://www.tylerazaleatrail.com/index.htm
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Babies On the Brain!
So, my sister having a baby and decorating a 3rd girl's nursery got me thinking what I would do if we ever decide to have kids. So, I designed one! Then, I decided to design some for a couple of my best girl friends who are also not pregnant, but again, I got bored. Good times...
Friend #1's room
Friend #2's room
Friend #3's room
The room I designed for myself.
Good times indeed. I promise- no babies in my future for a VERY long time!

Good times indeed. I promise- no babies in my future for a VERY long time!
Thank Heaven For Little Girls

Friday, March 13, 2009
Happy Friday! I am very very thankful that it is here!
I have a fairly relaxing weekend planned. I need to paint and play some tennis. My sister Julie's baby is due tomorrow though, so that might make things a little crazy if little Allison is on time.
We shall see!!!

Hopefully this awful rain and cold will go away soon. I am not a fan. I like it warm and sunny. I think this type of weather depresses me, and I am not easily depressed!
I haven't done this in awhile... here is today's outfit...

I have a fairly relaxing weekend planned. I need to paint and play some tennis. My sister Julie's baby is due tomorrow though, so that might make things a little crazy if little Allison is on time.

Hopefully this awful rain and cold will go away soon. I am not a fan. I like it warm and sunny. I think this type of weather depresses me, and I am not easily depressed!
I haven't done this in awhile... here is today's outfit...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
New Cafepress Stuff
I made this little bluebird awhile ago for an event we had at work. I decided it needed to be on my cafepress site...

Rainy Day... But Some Fun Art Will Take My Blues Away!
These are some of my favorite artists on etsy.com right now. Everything is under $33.00 too!!!You can click on the artist's name for their profile, and the print will take you directly to the image on etsy. I hope you enjoy!
Blanca Gomez

I just bought this print for our living room. Blanca is one of my absolute favorites! I love how simple and colorful her work is!

This is such a sweet trio!
I have an obsession with old hats, so I of course loved this print!
Stephanie Levy

I want to snatch these up and hang them in my kitchen!
I bought this one to go in my office... classic.
This makes me want to dance!
Blanca Gomez



Stephanie Levy


Monday, March 9, 2009
J-List: Spring into Spring on a Budget

I think this necklace is sweet. It would look great with a pretty spring floral dress. They have some other great spring jewelry too!

Last December during our closet clean out and donation weekend I gave away all of last years sandals. I didn't remember this until this weekend when I was trying to find something to wear with the dress below. So, I ordered these today :)

I have been looking for a cute maxi dress for a couple of months. I got this one over the weekend. It also comes in white and blue. The detailing around the bust doesn't show very well in the picture, but it is pretty cute!

Tassel Tote from the Gap: $34.99
I love a good tote bag! I tend to carry the world with me, so this might stand a chance! I also love pink and yellow together. It's on sale right now too!

I also picked up these cute flip flops today. I see myself wearing them to the pool. I think the color will look nice with a tan!
Spring for the Home:

I wish I had rose hair... ca va. I would hang this in my powder room.
I have these sweet little birds sprinkled all over my house. I do a lot of antique mall shopping and can't resist picking them up and taking them home. They are pretty cheap on ebay. Today these three are going for $9.99
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