Thursday, April 30, 2009

Guns and Trikes

So, after work on Tuesday night Greg and I decide to go out for a night out. Our new favorite place is Buffalo Wild Wings. We happen to really like to play the bar trivia- strange birds I know...

So after some delish pulled pork nachos and a few rounds of trivia, we headed over to Academy Sports. Greg has been getting up really early to go into work, and he thought that this was the perfect excuse to get a little gun to take with him. Granted he works in the nicest part of town, but alas I fell for it. Safety first. I think his buddy Walter is actually to blame for this, but I love Wally- so ca va.

So we head over to Academy. Long process getting a gun, which I guess is a good thing. I have never been a fan of guns, but I believe if you are a good law abiding citizen you should be allowed to have one for protection. He wanted a Bolt Derringer. It is tiny and can fit in your boot. I am hoping he doesn't shoot his foot off or something!

In typical Jenny fashion, I got bored and started to wander. I came across this...A Schwinn Town and Country Tricycle! How cute is that! I road it all around the store. I have no idea what I would carry in the basket, but I love the idea that I could carry anything in the basket! Puppies, groceries, fresh pies to deliver to Tracy down the street, etc... I like that there is zero fear of tipping over too. I think a bad bike crash in the 5th grade has scared me for life.

Anyways, that is what I am adding to my want list. Not sure if it will still be on the list next week, but it sure is today!!! I am thinking that I am a pretty good mother to 4 puppies and 1 cat, so maybe I'll get something like this for Mother's Day?


Brittney said...

My mom totally has one of those tricycles!

Brittney said...

She rides it to school (just up the road from them) and stores her school stuff in it!


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