Friday, June 12, 2009

La Happy Jenny List

Here is a list of things that I am looking forward to doing once I am done with my job at the Foundation... 10 more working days (14 days including weekends) until I am a full time artist!
1. Wearing yoga pants, a tank top and a fun vintage apron to work everyday.
2. Working from my new home studio, which is about 3 feet from my bedroom!

3. Jamming out to my ipod as loud as I want while I sing along, which is frowned upon at my current desk job.
4. Going on a walk every morning around 9:00am with Oscar and taking pictures of stuff to paint- and getting to call it RESEARCH!
5. Having the freedom to go to the Rose Garden or park to paint during the week!

6. Becoming a better wife by actually cleaning the house on a regular basis and letting Greg rest when he comes home from work.
7. Not having any more excuses and actually have time to write and illustrate my own children's book.
8. Teaching my new art students!

9. The extra time I will have a nights with my husband. I won't have to spend all of my evenings in the studio!
10. Finally becoming the person that I was always meant to be, and loving my job!

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