Monday, June 8, 2009

Whirl of a Weekend: Birthday Fun, Pa's Solo and UP!

I really had a fun and super busy weekend! Friday night we stayed home as usual. With Greg working for like 12 hours + a day, and both of us getting over the cold from H-E-double hockey sticks, we were beat. I made turkey meatballs and pasta.

Tasty, but Greg is still not a fan of me giving up beef. He didn't complain (much) though!

On Saturday Greg went to work... boo, and I headed to Canton, TX for my sweet niece Katie Rose's 9th birthday! I can't believe she is 9! Blows my mind! She is turning into such a sweet young lady! The family had lunch together and opened presents, and then Julie went to go get two of her best buddies for a day at Splash Kingdom Water Park in Canton and a slumber party! Splash Kingdom is a neat Christian water park. My parent's church even has VBS there! Let me know if you want your kids in on that one! I hear it is awesome! My sister got Katie the American Idol game for Wii. I had way too much fun with that and totally made a fool of myself. Loved it though! Katie is way into the American Girl stuff right now, so Uncle Greg and I got her the Chrissa doll. My parents got her the Felicity doll b/c they are taking her on a special trip to Williamsburg, VA this week! They are going to Myrtle Beach and to a cabin in the mountains too, but Williamsburg is the main event. I am jealous! We went one year when I was about 10 for Thanksgiving. I had my very own Felicity doll for the entire trip, and loved it. I hope Katie loves it too!

I'll try to post pictures of the birthday party as soon as I get them from my sister. Here is a picture of Katie the day she was born. It was right after I graduated from high school... I feel old!
I headed home late Saturday, worked on cleaning my green room (my guest bedroom, art studio and closet) and then crashed. Sunday morning I woke up early and drove BACK to Canton to hear my dad sing his first ever church choir solo! (My dad below with our sweet late Memaw. I was going to take a picture while he was singing, but I didn't think it would be appropriate at church...)He rocked the house! Well, it was traditional Baptist church music, but he did great! I was so impressed and so proud! I can't wait for his next one! We headed to lunch and then I headed back home after a rather long trip to the grocery store- blah. When I got home I continued my cleaning, which seems to never end and hung out with Greg- whom I have been missing a TON!

Just about when Greg starts to get ready for bed (7:30pm these days!), he surprised me with a trip to the movies to see Up! I was so excited! I have been dying to see it, and it did not disappoint! Pixar never does! I love, love, loved it! The colors, the dogs, the balloons, the little fat kid, the love story- LOVE. I wish I worked for Pixar. I would just think of fun random things to put in movies all day. Those people must be the most creative people on the planet. Amazing!We had fun with our 3-d glasses. Greg is stealthy...I am just a nerd who loves Disney movies!

When I got home, I worked on the green room some more. I am so close to being done! We are going to move the guest bed to the orange office, and put the love seat in the green room. Does anyone else name their rooms by their colors? I'll show you pictures when we are done. I am excited to have a bigger area to work! It will be great!

I had a wonderful weekend! Next weekend I will be painting... which will be true of all week nights and weekends until July 2nd. I'll try to post some pictures of that too!

Oh, check out these pictures I took last week of the waterway that feeds into the creek behind our house. It got really high really fast! Crazy! Wish I had a raft to do some rapids! Ha- j/k.

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