Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I am going to stop eating cows. I watched a show last night on FX called 30 Days where a hunter lived with a woman and her family that worked for Peta, and I don’t think I should eat cows anymore. I don’t think I can give up chicken yet, but I can give up eating red meat. I don’t think it is wrong to eat cows, but I think it is wrong how the mass production beef companies treat the cows. I do not believe that is how God intended for us to treat his beautiful creation.

I am not going to give up dairy projects yet though, but I might research the companies I buy from and see how they treat their cows. It made me sad last night to see all of the cows in their little 2x4 crates- some of them have never even seen grass! It is the same with the puppy mills. People have no right to treat animals that way.

I think if more people knew what happens to these animals they would not let the government allow for it to happen. There need to be more rules governing the human treatment of animals for farm animals. I suggest you try to catch the 30 Days show with the hunter and Peta. It was eye opening and it was nice because they showed both views.

Anyways, the eating cows thing has been on my heart for a long time, and last night I made a decision. I will not judge anyone of you who eats meat, but don't be surprised if I pass on the beef fajitas next time we are out to dinner.

Kind of a heavy post, I will do a J List later to make up for it!

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