Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Three Years Ago Today...

...was one of the happiest days of my life!

Greg and I were celebrating Valentine's Day a little early since it fell on a Monday. I got all dressed up and drove to Tyler from Canton to Greg's cute little apartment on the downtown square. I remember I had on a black skirt, black satin sleeveless top, and a light pink wrap. We went to dinner at Currents, a little fancy French restaurant in Tyler.

We ordered our dinner, and the salads had made their way to our table. Greg got up to use the restroom, somewhat odd- but I didn't think anything of it. When he made his way back to our table he didn't sit down! He asked for everyone's attention in the restaurant. I was in shock at the point. He told everyone that he met me exactly 2.5 years ago from today, and how he loved me from that moment. He knew that he wanted me to be his wife. He then got down on his knee and proposed to me! I of course said yes!!! It was the most romantic proposal ever! I was shaking and crying, and everyone in the restaurant was applauding. I remember one lady even saying that Greg was a real man for proposing in such a romantic way! Someone even took pictures of the proposal in action. (I am currently looking for those on my parent's computer.)

I honestly don't remember the rest of the dinner. I think I stayed in a state of shock! I am sure it was wonderful, but nothing could beat the sweet proposal of my soon to be husband! It was one of the greatest moments in my life. I had never felt so loved and so in love.

It is amazing that my love for Greg has grown even stronger since that day when I didn't think I could love anyone more. The past three years have been amazing. Of course we have had our ups and our downs, but I couldn't imagine my life with out him. I am so thankful that the Lord sent him my way. I can't wait to see what the next years bring!!!


Anonymous said...

congratulations! What a sweet story! It made me tear up just trying to picture it in my mind's eye! Happy Engagement Anniversary!

Jessica Grammon said...

Love Ya'lls Story! So So Sweet! I hope to have a story to tell someday!


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