Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So, Greg has been super busy lately with a big trial in Marshall... as I mentioned yesterday. He left at 6:00am again this morning. I have no idea when I will see him tonight. Last night he finished up at around 8:30pm. I am starting to miss him very much! I hate not hearing from him all day, and not having lunch with him.

Christie is doing her very best to keep me busy! Last night I went over for a visit, and we watched American Idol and had pizza. I of course got to hold a happy little boy named Nathan. Such a cutie, but wow my hair is looking a little crazy!! He liked to be bop to the music! Today Christie also met me for lunch at this cute little "ladies who lunch" place called the Eatery. It was tasty! Such a good friend- to put up with me two days in a row!!!

Anyways, here is to hoping that this stupid trial is over soon! I need the husbanito back before my crazy fun Dallas weekend adventure! Courtney just told me that we get to go to Knox and Henderson to look for furniture after Becky's shower. I am kind of pumped. Anyone is welcome to join us, but I warn you... we are shopping machines!!!


Anonymous said...

You are so hard to put up with - ha, ha! I love hanging out with you and eating lunch and stuff! I would do it every day! Hope your sweet comes home soon and I hope you have a super fun time in Dallas! Tell it hello for me!

Jessica Grammon said...

The Wanted picture is Hi-Larious! Love it & Christie's little guy couldn't be cuter!


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