Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I've Been a Fool...

A Painting Fool! I stayed up way too late working on stuff. I even showed up to work with giant red paint slashes on my legs that didn't wash off in the shower, and I was too tired to notice. I am sure everyone thought I was seriously wounded!

I updated with a little show preview on www.jennifermoreman.com

Bring on Thursday! I am just about READY!

Question?Does peanut butter make anyone else very sleepy, or is it just me? Just thought I would throw that out there...

Update... apparently peanut butter makes lots of people sleepy! Who knew?


Anonymous said...

Never thought about how I feel after I eat peanut butter. I guess I will take note the next time! :) How funny! Looking forward to Thursday!

Courtney said...

Yummy...peanut butter.

Hi, I just found your blog. I live in Tyler too. Your artwork is gorgeous!!


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